
Access the largest online collection of enhanced first-level patent data available to you from a single source.

Research and analyze patent data and protect intellectual property quickly and easily with the world’s largest collection of searchable full-text and bibliographic patent databases, including images, citations, legal status, and patent family collections.

  • Protect, develop and maintain assets
  • Understand competitors and acquisition targets
  • Be confident you’re not overlooking critical information
  • Analyze your research results quickly and easily
  • Rest assured with a dedicated IP support team

  • 100 Patent Authorities-30 in Full Text Get access to more full-text patent resources than any other provider, representing the major patent authorities in the world, plus bibliographic information from 70 more authorities (70+ million documents).
  • Search in Original Language and in English Choose to search either in the language in which the patent was originally published or in machine-translated English from German, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Danish and Swedish. Russian patents can be searched in English.
  • Over 50 Million Compressed, Multi-Page, Searchable PDFs Search and highlight items within the PDF and copy and paste text from the PDF to other applications.
  • Easy Access to Related Sources & Tools Link directly from TotalPatent™ to relevant resources including Chisum on Patents, CourtLink®, PatentOptimizer™, Scopus®, Patent Research Task Pages and more.
  • Deepest Archive Dig deeper and go back further than you can with any other provider. Research U.S. patents back to 1790, and many non-U.S. patents back to the 1800s.
  • Multiple Search Options Choose from Guided, Advanced, Semantic, Notes, and Publication search forms. Plus create powerful and precise searches with a wide range of searchable fields with choices of operators and wildcards.
  • Analytics Tools Create graphical maps and bar charts online, compare and analyze search results, and do offline analysis of results with 3D graphs and charts.
  • Dedicated IP Customer Support Access an IP team that stands ready to answer all your specific TotalPatent questions and make sure you are able to optimize your experience.
  • Protect, develop, and maintain your client’s patent assets Improve the quality of your research and stay fully informed with easy access to the world's largest collection of searchable full-text and bibliographic information with images, citations, legal status and patent family collections, all in one place
  • Understand competitors and acquisition targets Quickly understand what others are doing and help your clients make sound business decisions with a streamlined analysis process. Tap into expert commentary and proprietary analytical content from leading industry authorities such as Chisum on Patents.
  • Be confident you’re not overlooking critical information Dig deeper into patent archives, some as far back as 1790, to help ensure you do not miss important information, which is especially useful for traditional technologies.
  • Assess patent integrity by searching 30 full-text databases Search virtually all the major patent authorities around the globe in machine-translated English or the original language of publication. Combine specific keyword searching with semantic search to uncover related concepts to cover all the bases.
  • Rest assured with a dedicated IP support team Benefit from a dedicated, responsive IP team focused on meeting your needs to ensure a smooth implementation and positive experience with TotalPatent.
  • Protect, develop, and maintain your patent assets Improve the quality of your research and stay fully informed with easy access to the world's largest collection of searchable full-text and bibliographic information with images, citations, legal status and patent family collections, all in one place
  • Understand your competitors and acquisition targets Quickly understand what others are doing and help your organization make sound business decisions with a streamlined analysis process. Tap into expert commentary and proprietary analytical content from leading industry authorities such as Chisum on Patents.
  • Assess patent integrity by searching 30 full-text databases Search virtually all the major patent authorities around the globe in machine-translated English or the original language of publication. Combine specific keyword searching with semantic search to uncover related concepts to cover all the bases.
  • Maximize IP asset revenue Get the timely information you need to strengthen your patents and invalidate competitive threats for better business outcomes. And get more done, more efficiently, to lower operation costs.
  • Be confident you’re not overlooking critical information Dig deeper into patent archives, some as far back as 1790, to help ensure you do not miss important information, which is especially useful for traditional technologies.
  • Rest assured with a dedicated IP support team Benefit from a dedicated, responsive IP team focused on meeting your needs to ensure a smooth implementation and positive experience with TotalPatent.

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